Scam Alerts

Protect Yourself from Scams: Stay Informed, Stay Safe

In an age of digital connectivity, scams have become increasingly sophisticated, preying on unsuspecting individuals with enticing offers and deceitful tactics. Here, we empower you with knowledge to recognize and avoid these pitfalls, safeguarding your finances and personal information. Stay informed, stay vigilant, and together, let's combat the menace of scams.

  • Employment / Fake Job Scams: Job seekers fall prey to fake job postings on online platforms or receive unsolicited emails offering lucrative job opportunities. These scams often require upfront payments for training or equipment, but the promised job never materializes, leaving the victim out of money and personal information compromised.
  • Fake Charities: Individuals receive unsolicited emails or phone calls requesting donations for a seemingly reputable charity. However, upon closer inspection, the charity may not exist, or the funds may not be used for legitimate charitable purposes.
  • Fraudulent Financial Advisors: Individuals receive unsolicited calls or emails from individuals posing as financial advisors offering high returns with little to no risk. These fraudulent advisors may pressure victims into making investments in schemes such as cryptocurrency or offshore accounts, resulting in financial losses.
  • Grandparent Scams: Scammers target elderly individuals, claiming to be their grandchild in distress and in urgent need of financial assistance due to a fabricated emergency. The victim is pressured to send money quickly without verifying the caller's identity, resulting in financial loss.
  • IRS Scams: Scammers impersonate IRS agents and contact individuals via phone, email, or text, claiming that taxes are owed and threatening legal action if payment is not made immediately. Victims may be coerced into providing personal or financial information under the guise of resolving a fabricated tax issue.
  • Lottery Scams: Individuals receive notifications claiming they have won a lottery or sweepstakes, often from foreign countries, despite not having entered any contests. To claim the prize, victims are asked to pay fees or taxes upfront, but the promised winnings never materialize.
  • Online Account Tax Scams: Taxpayers receive phishing emails or calls purporting to be from the IRS, requesting personal information or payment for taxes owed. These scams aim to steal personal and financial information or trick individuals into making fraudulent payments.
  • Romance Scams: Individuals form romantic relationships online with someone who eventually asks for money or personal information under false pretenses. The scammer may invent elaborate stories to gain the victim's trust before exploiting their emotions for financial gain.
  • Settlement Fraudsters: Victims of previous legal settlements are contacted by fraudsters who claim that they are owed additional funds. These fraudsters request sensitive banking information to supposedly facilitate the settlement payment, but instead, they drain the victim's bank account.
  • Sweepstakes Scams: Victims receive notifications informing them that they have won a prize in a sweepstakes or lottery they never entered. To claim the prize, they are asked to provide personal information or pay upfront fees, only to discover that the prize is nonexistent, and their personal information has been compromised.
  • Tech Support Scams: Victims receive unsolicited calls or pop-up messages claiming to be from tech support services, warning of computer viruses or security issues. The scammer convinces the victim to provide remote access to their computer or pay for unnecessary technical support services, exposing them to financial loss and potential identity theft.
  • Wire/Crypto Scams: Victims are contacted by scammers who request wire transfers or cryptocurrency payments for various reasons, such as fake investments or urgent financial emergencies. Once the funds are transferred, it becomes nearly impossible to trace or recover them, leaving the victim at a loss.
  • Gift Card Scams: Here is an article containing information regarding this scam.
  • Person to Person Scams: These scams typically begin when a scammer approaches an individual, asking them to process a transaction through one of these payment apps. The scammer promises to send money back as a thank you or offers to give cash in return. After the individual completes the first transaction, the scammer requests a few more transactions and eventually takes possession of the individual's phone under some pretext. The scammer then performs unauthorized transfers, deletes the app, and returns the phone to the unsuspecting victim. By the time the individual realizes what has happened, the scammer has vanished with hundreds of dollars. When the victim reports the incident as fraud, their claim is often denied because they participated in the transactions.

Protection Tips

1. Be cautious with unsolicited communications: Be skeptical of unexpected emails, phone calls, or messages, especially if they request personal or financial information.

2. Research before you act: Take the time to research companies, charities, or individuals before engaging with them or providing any sensitive information.

3. Verify identities and legitimacy: Always verify the identity of the person or organization contacting you, especially if they claim to be from a government agency, financial institution, or well-known company.

4. Don't be pressured: Scammers often use pressure tactics to rush you into making decisions. Take your time and don't feel pressured to act quickly, especially if it involves sending money or providing personal information.

5. Keep personal information private: Be cautious about sharing personal or financial information online or over the phone, especially if you're unsure about the legitimacy of the request.

6. Use secure payment methods: When making payments or transactions online, use secure payment methods and avoid sending money via wire transfer or cryptocurrency to unknown parties.

7. Stay informed and vigilant: Keep yourself informed about common scams and stay vigilant against suspicious activities or communications.

8. Trust your instincts: If something seems too good to be true or feels off, trust your instincts and proceed with caution or avoid it altogether.

9. Enable security measures: Use strong, unique passwords for your accounts, enable two-factor authentication whenever possible, and keep your devices and software updated with the latest security patches.

10. Report suspicious activity: If you encounter a scam or suspect fraudulent activity, report it to the relevant authorities or organizations, such as the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) or your local consumer protection agency.

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